Saturday, January 22, 2011

Holy Artscow!

Remember my Photobook Project? Well, I managed to finish the first year book already and ordered the printing. I think the people at Artscow are really fast because I placed my order last January 11, 2011 and I received an email yesterday telling me that my Photobooks are being shipped. The estimated arrival time is between January 29, 2011 to February 3, 2011 and I am so excited to get hold of it!

I guess now, all I can do is sit back, bite my fingernails until there is none left to chew and anticipate the coming of my little girl's photobook. And maybe while waiting, I can start designing her second and third year photobooks. I've also got our travel photos waiting in line so there is a lot to do in between.

Oh, and if you don't know about Artscow yet, you better register now and enjoy your photos printed at the highest quality at the lowest possible price! I certainly recommend it to all of you who treasure those captured moments your lives. Come sign up for Artscow now!


Chris said...

my order just arrived today.. will capture some shots for you to see :D

kamz said...

glad yours arrived na marce! can't wait to see your snapshots of the photobook..

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