Saturday, January 22, 2011

Human Needs

As human beings, we all have our needs. Whether they are physical, materials, emotional or subjective needs, we are lucky to have the capacity to fulfill them.

We have the need to be educated and learn that is why we go to school. We have the need to be nourished and be healthy that is why we eat good, healthy food. We have the need to be understood that is why we try to communicate ourselves and make our opinions heard. We have the need to feel secure about ourselves that is why we treat ourselves to beauty spas or splurge on beauty products every now and then. We have the need to be loved that is why we exert an effort to be good and pleasing to the eyes of our beloved. We have the need to be accepted that is why we take better care of our appearance and the way we deal with other people.  We have the need to be recognized that is why we try to do our best, hoping that others will recognize our efforts. We have the need to make a difference in this world that is why we initiate and join activities that are aimed at helping other people's lives.

What are your needs? Here's hoping that they are satisfied.

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