Monday, January 3, 2011

TCP Themes for January 2011

After deep and intensive reflection, I have decided to keep Tuesday Couch Potatoes going for the sake of those who participate every week. It would be a pity to just let this Tuesday movie meme go so come h3ll or high waters, I am keeping. Thanks to all my dear Couchers who have stuck with me till this year. As of today, we are on our 72nd and for me, that is already a great milestone. Let's wait a few more Tuesdays until I can cook up a great giveaway for all of you! Perhaps in the 100th TCP Movie Feature? We'll see...

So, what are the TCP themes for this month? Here they are:

January 4: We welcome the Year of the Rabbit with Rabbit Movie features.

January 11: Would Love to Watch This Movie - Choose from a list of movies that you haven't seen yet that were released in 2010 or will be released in 2011 that you would like to watch badly and tell us why.

January 18: Surprisingly Nice! - Movies that received bad reviews or you were reluctant to watch because your friends said it was disappointing but you watched it anyway and turned out to be nice.

January 25: Favorite Movie from 2010 - Pick a movie from 2010 that you really love and tell us why.

So there goes our TCP themes for the month of January. Hopefully, I will be able to post my TCP entries and the get the linky up and running every Monday just as I did today.

Happy TCP everyone!


Chris said...

i look forward to TCP every Tuesday! :D

happy new year!

Trish said...

Yey! Glad you didn't give up on us :)
Very excited for this month's themes! :)

bonz said...

yey, tcp is still a go! but i'll be transferring this tuesday meme in my entertainment blog.
from Just Love Blogging It to PinkClash

see yah tomorrow! will be posting now!

Rossel said...

hi, sis! happy new year! i am back from long hiatus. here's my entry...

God bless!

Jijie said...

Your newest follower here, adgitize and EC dropping .... :) please follow me back, thanks

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