Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tutorial Program

I received an email a few weeks ago from a fellow M.Sc. WASTE student about the Stuttgart University's tutorial program, wherein the university allocates a portion of the tuition money that students pay every semester to expenses which directly contribute to the improvement of the study situation at the university. So each degree course can hand in proposals about how to improve the study-situation for its students to a central committee of professors and students which then decides upon how to distribute the respective part of the tuition money.

And because of this, the M.Sc. WASTE Program got allocated money for a tutorial program, aimed at helping us prepare for the upcoming exams. This one is something that I personally really need because I never really got around to do some serious studying.

The tutorials started today and for our first topic, we studied about Thermodynamics. I had Thermodynamics before but that was eight years ago and I found today's tutorials really helpful. I could say that I really used my brain, (LOL!) and was really attentive and focused. I guess the tutorials is just the motivation that I needed then. I look forward to tomorrow's tutorial. I heard it will be about Wastewater Technology. I just hope the good start I had today will continue on in the next few weeks until exam date! Keeping my fingers crossed!

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