Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Watching Grey's Anatomy

Back in 2008, when I had my baby, I absolutely had no idea who McDreamy was... Or was it McYummy? Until my sister arrived from the Philippines and came to help me in my first few months of being a first-time Mom and introduced me to the world of Meredith Grey and her fellow interns and their daily struggles in their relationships. It was sort of a refreshing break for me and my sister especially when my baby is asleep. And instead of taking my nap, I would opt to watch the series with her on the Internet.

I truly enjoyed watching the doctors and nurses in the operating room. I just know that something amazing is going to happen whenever I see these men and women donning their nursing scrubs and sewing somebody up, trying to save their lives. They had their moments of triumphs and moments of sorrow too, especially when they loose a patient on the table. 

The last time I checked, Grey's Anatomy is now on it's 7th season. I guess the last season that I watched was season 4, which means that I have a lot of catching up to do. Who wants to join me on a Grey's Anatomy marathon then?

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