Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Bright Sunshiny Day

I woke up today to the sound of my husband's guitar playing. I thought it was still early and found that it was already 7:30AM. I found him at the living room, all dressed up for work and playing his guitar and waiting for me to wake up before he leaves. You see, he doesn't like to leave for work without saying goodbye.

When he left, I went to the "office room" to check some emails and check out if there are online opps. Luckily, there are. So to get some more natural light into the room, I rolled up the blinds.

The sun was making its way up into the sky and the streams of sunlight were slowly making their presence known. It was really a nice sight to behold and so I took a few snaps. And I just knew that today is going to be a bright, sunshiny day. Perfect for walking Samantha to the kindergarten, hanging the laundry out to dry, and just bask in the sun. Sunshine just brings the cheer back into this depression-prone land. And just the thought that spring is just around the corner is definitely making me feel happy and all smiles!

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