Tuesday, February 1, 2011

TCP#76: Meet The Fockers

Hello Couchers! Can you feel the love? It is the 1st of February and I know that you are all feeling the love and are excited to post your LOVE MOVIES for this month. But before we get all mushy and stuff, just an important announcement. LinkyTools will no longer be FREE soon so that you might have some problems entering your links in the linky tool or you may find your links missing from the tool. Please do not fret nor panic. If you are experiencing problems entering your link, please just leave a comment here and leave your TCP entry link URL in the comment so that I can add your link permanently in the post. Good enough huh?

So now let's get down to business. For this Tuesday, our theme is Storge / Familial Love: Because We Are A Family. I do enjoy watching these kind of movie for all the good reasons: there is moral value in the theme, the scenes are wholesome, they always make you happy in the end, there are good lessons to be learned, and although some plots are far from realistic, you still are able to relate with one character or another. What's my pick this week? That will have to be Meet The Fockers. This is one of my favorite family movies because it simply is hilarious, sweet and well, I can just relate with most of the characters.

You know how it is when parents meet for the first time. There will always be first impressions and all that. In the movie, there were trust issues and reservations about one another and as the story unfolded and the conflicts became bigger and funnier because it felt like I am seeing some real life scenes in the film, you just can't help but be impressed at how they managed to stay in tact in the end. And I guess no matter the differences, you will always end up accepting and letting go of your defenses to be able to really embrace and welcome someone into your life. That is the miracle of love. After all, a FAMILY is all you've got at the end of the day.

What's your movie this Tuesday? Come share it with us here on Tuesday Couch Potatoes by entering your link in the linky below or by leaving your URL in the comment section.

Thanks everyone for joining us this week. Next week's theme: Phileo / Friendship Love: Camaraderie and Friendship. See you!


Rossel said...

this is one of the most hilarious films i have seen. i love it! nice pick, sis.

Trish said...

I love this movie too, it's really hilarious! :)

Seiko said...

Hello there Mare,you're right I can't find Mr.Linky :(
Mukhang maganda itong pick mo kaya book mark ko agad sya para mapanood ko agad :)
Happy Tuesday!Mine is up now,I', joining again :)

Seiko said...

Waaa!!:( Ngayon ko lang nabasa in complete below tungkol sa theme this week.Mukhang hindi tugma sa pick ko :( .I thought it's just about love lang kasi eh :(

Jay-agent112778 said...

its my first here in TCP...

i havent seen this movie

BTW, im following this blog thru XLINK (posted on my sidebar) and in NetworkedBlogs, hoping youll do the same

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