Tuesday, April 26, 2011

TCP#87: Atonement

Hello Couchers! Happy Easter to all of you and welcome to the 87th edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes where we share about a movie each week. My apologies my dears for the delay in posting this one. It's back to school for me and I had so much to prepare and overlooked that it's already a Tuesday. Whew! How fast time flies...

Anyway, this week's theme is "Redeemed" and I know there are a lot of Hollywood movies about redemption out there. But I cannot think of something that I have already seen. Seems like my brain is not working properly. Hehe!

But anyway, I have always wanted to watch the movie Atonement, an adaption of Ian McEwan's novel of the same title. It stars James McAvoy, Keira Knightley and Saoirse Ronan. It came out in 2007 and reading through the plot, I just knew I have to watch this one. The story is that of how one young girl's miss-perception can change the lives of those around her so irrevocably, and what she does to try to make up for it. The movie received lots of positive reviews from critics and has been named among the Top 10 Films of 2007 by a number of film critics association so that makes it more worth watching.

I think you will never go wrong with this film so if you are looking for a good one, might as well give it a try.

Got a Redemption Movie to share? Then come share it with us by leaving your TCP entry'S URL in the linky below:

Thanks for joining us this week on Tuesday Couch Potatoes. I hope to see you all again next week for another edition of TCP with the theme "Catwalk: It's All About Fashion". Again, thank you all for joining and may you have a great week. Happy TCP everyone!


Jenn said...

This is the first time I heard of this movie, and I think I want to watch it, too.

Janz Crystalz said...

wasn't able to watch this one..:)

genny said...

haven't seen this movie yet, sounds a good one. will find time to look for this one. mine is up here:

anne said...

Never heard or watched this movie but I am sure it is superb as you describe mine is at My Daily Mumbles thanks

Earth said...

i think i've seen this before but never get around to watching it.. mine's HERE by the way..

gengen said...

It is my first...

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