Friday, May 27, 2011

Fridays with Mr. Rapf

Fridays is Hazardous Waste and Contaminated Sites Day for most of the WASTE Generation 10 students like me. Well, my usual expectation was that it's gonna be a grueling day just like my Thursdays, since from experience, professors and instructors have the tendency to just drone on and drone. I missed the first Friday class so that when I first attended the second lecture, I was surprised to find it really interesting. I guess Mr. Rapf always brings with him his sense of humor just to perk up everybody's interest and keep everyone awake from 9:45 in the morning until 5:30 in the afternoon, with an hour lunch break and short breaks in between.

Well, this subject is a pretty interesting one if you are studying Waste Management. It's like getting yourself a life insurance if you survive the day's lectures and the final exams that is to come. It is one of the electives that I readily chose when I decided for my electives and I just hope that it's gonna stay interesting as the days pass. It covers Hazardous Wastes and Contaminated Sites, Chemistry of Waste and Sludge Treatment. I don't want to dwell into the details though as it get pretty boring. But I can sense Mr. Rapf's passion about the subject and he is sensitive enough to not dwell too much on some topics that he knows could bore his students to death. And I guess that is one of his strengths, aside from the fact that most of my peers find him cool. :D

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