Monday, May 16, 2011

TCP#90: He's Just Not That Into You

Hello Couchers! Welcome to the 90th edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes. In 10 Tuesdays, we will be on our 100th edition and how would you like us to celebrate the 100 posts? Would you like a giveaway? Just let me know your suggestions and I will try to cook up something exciting for all of you who have been participating.

Anyway, our theme for today is "It's Complicated". I have always enjoyed watching films with this theme because it allows us to see the many facets of human relationships and how one deals with them. While they are oftentimes fictitious, you see some reality in it as they are after all, made and written based on human experience and emotions.

So my movie pick will be "He's Just Not That Into You", a 2009 romantic comedy film that is based on a self-help book of the same title. It is about nine people who had to deal with their romantic problems, with Gigi as the main character who oftentimes misinterprets the behavior of her romantic partners. She came to believe that she is "the rule", as Alex puts it, who in the end became "the exception" for the one person (Alex) who unconsciously fell in love with her.

IMDb folks have this to say:

In Baltimore, five women and four men try to sort out the signals that the sexes exchange. Gigi imagines every man she meets is Mr. Right; she gets reality checks from Alex, a sweet but cynical saloon keeper. Janine and Ben seem solidly married until he chats with Anna in a market checkout line; meanwhile Anna is indifferent to the pursing Connor. Neil and Beth have been together seven years; she dumps him when she realizes he really and truly isn't going to marry her. Does he love her? And Mary sells advertising while searching on line for a man. Will those in love stay in love? Will those searching figure out who is and who isn't into them? Are men all that different from women? Written by

Of course, when I watched this movie, I didn't know what it was about and I was even surprised to find the ensemble of cast: Ben Affleck, Jennifer Aniston, Drew Barrymore, Scarlett Johansson, Sasha Alexander, Justin Long, Jennifer Connelly, Ginnifer Goodwin, Kevin Connolly, and Bradley Cooper. It is a fun and nice movie to watch. The many complications of love and relationships, and many relationship questions are integrated into this film. I bet you all will love this too!

What's your pick for this week? Come and share it with us here on Tuesday Couch Potatoes by entering your link on the linky below:

Thank you my dears for joining us this week. I hope to see you all again next week for another edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes with the theme: "The Grannies", movies about grandparents and their relationships with their family or something like that.

Until next Tuesday! Have a good week and Happy TCP everyone!


Chris said...

wow, this sounds like a fun movie to watch! :D

Anonymous said...

This film has got a wonderful cast, I've liked Jennifer Aniston since her Friends days and Scarlett is fantastic too.
Thanks for hosting TCP.

gengen said...

Did not see this movie yet. Mine is up...

Chie Wilks said...

i am back to sorry for my absences hehehe.Anyway, i haven't seen this movie. I would love to watch..thanks for the share.

Shahz said...

This movie is really complicated. i got confuse watching this movie.. lol

Earth said...

waahh!! i've always wanted to watch this, but i just couldn't find time...

mine's UP!

Anne said...

it is indeed a complicated

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