Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Gold Bars? Why Not?

It wouldn't hurt to own a bar of gold or a few. If someone left me gold, even in the form of IRA gold, I would never refuse it, considering of course that that someone is known to me. I mean, who doesn't want to be wealthy, even if in their dreams right?

We would sometimes even joke that our backpacks contain some gold in it because we sometimes refuse to put it down or let it out of sight. And if it were true, it would be troublesome and inconvenient to keep carrying around physical gold with you right? Today, instead of investing hard-earned retirement or pension money into real estate or a new business, many are venturing into gold IRA transfer because gold is the only thing that does not inflate nor is it heavily affected by economic crisis.

You must have already heard about 401k gold, wherein those who have retirement and pension plans have the option to convert a portion of their plans to gold. It is a pretty interesting trend and is very promising too. Just imagine yourself not having to worry should you lose your job because you have gold that you can make good use of. Because gold is a precious metal resource that is becoming more and more scarce, you'll be sure that its price will just steadily increase due to it's increasing demand. Indeed, it is not a bad idea to retire and know that you have gold 401k tucked safely somewhere. 

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