Monday, June 27, 2011

TCP#95: Robin Hood

Hello Couchers! Welcome to the 95th edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes where we post about a movie each week. Finally, the sun is out and it is a good day to go and watch a good movie at the cinemas but since I cannot, I might as well blog about a movie that I recently watched that has something to do with our theme for this week: Outlawed.

We all know the story of Robin Hood, the legendary prince of thieves. So many films and animation, and even a TV series made sure of that. But do you know how Robin Hood came to live in the Sherwood Forest and in hiding? The 2010 British/American film adaption tells of the events in Robin Logstride's life as an ordinary archer down to when he was outlawed by King John because the king saw Robin as a threat to his power. With a delightful cast, good direction, and a witty script, you will definitely enjoy this movie.

What's your Outlawed movie? Come share it with us here on Tuesday Couch Potatoes. Don't forget to add your TCP link in the linky below.

Next week on TCP: Action Comedy Films. Oh yes, lots of action and a touch of humor fit perfectly. Think of yourself laughing your heart out... it's a great feeling especially when there's adrenaline rush.

Thank you for joining us this week on Tuesday Couch Potatoes. See you next week Couchers!


Chris said...

i think im getting old. i remember watching kevin costner's robinhood! :D heheheh

Trish said...

pareho kami ni mommy Chris, yung kay Kevin Costner pa yung huli naming napanood. lol! i love the story of Robin Hood so i'll definitely love this film.

JonaBQ said...

this is a nice one. i like it too. here's my TCP entry

kimmyschemy said...

just like chris, i think i'm way too old now, coz it's KEVIN COSTNER who popped into my mind when I think of Robin Hood, lol!

my entry is HERE!

Mommy Jes said...

i like this movie!! watched this a year ago :)

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