Friday, July 15, 2011

GT: Best Gift Ever!

Last Thursday's theme for Girls Talk was fun so I thought I would check back in and see what's in store for this week's edition. Albeit late, I still would like to join in the talk as we blog about "The Best Birthday Gift" that we got for our birthday.

As for me, the best material gift I have ever received was Vikki, my very own laptop. I have been dreaming of getting my own laptop and although I received her a little over two months since my birthday, I am still very happy about it. They say the best things come to those who wait and I guess it is true! There is satisfaction and a feeling of gratification when my laptop finally arrived. My husband was of course very pleased to see my expression, which is the happy look of an excited child.

And I am not the only one who is happy to use Vikki! My little girl also enjoys using it too, especially if she wants to watch Hello Kitty Stump Village on You Tube or if she wants us to play Hello Kitty Online together.

As for the nonmaterial birthday gift, it will have to be the gift of family... Having a wonderful husband and a little daughter who makes me feel a myriad of emotions  at once is more than enough to make life so very colorful and exciting. :)

Girls Talk


Chris said...

a nice gift!! :D really nice!

Beauty Queen Gene said...

have i told you how gorgeous your laptop is? i want one too! kaso ang mahal ng vaio e. hihihi. ang laki na ni samantha! i wish to see her (and you as well) one of these days!

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