Friday, July 22, 2011

GT: A Birthday Wish

My birthday was three months ago but who says one can stop wishing? One can even consider everdyday as her birthday because each day that we wake up to promises a new day to celebrate and live life in a way that is worthwhile.

I could name many material things that I would wish for that I would get for my birthday but beyond the material wants, there is always this one wish that I pray for. That my family will always be together no matter what. That we will remain strong despite the challenges that we meet along the way and that our bodies will remain healthy to keep us going with our daily tasks. That is not too much to ask, isn't it? Being with my family is more than enough for me. A touch of surprise along the way would definitely make it more extra special. :D

And that is my entry for Girls Talk for the theme: Birthday Wish. A simple birthday wish for a mom and wife who values her family a lot.

Girls Talk


Lucia ♡ said...

That is such a sweet wish, dearie :) I also wish for the same and I hope it will come true for the both of us ;)

Happy weekend!

jellybelly said...

Many of us wish for our family to stay together and have good health. Hope your wish is granted :)

Visiting from GT!

The Twerp and I

Beauty Queen Gene said...

i love how most of our girls in GT are family-centered like you. and true, more than any material thing in the world, the good health of our loved ones is a very precious gift we should all wish for :)

labyu mare!

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