Monday, July 4, 2011

TCP#96: Kung Fu Panda

Hello Couchers! Welcome to the 96th edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes where we blog about a movie each week. This Tuesday's theme: Action Comedy Movies. Oh yes, it is time we share some movies that make us laugh out loud while we sit on the edge of our seats. There's a wealth of action comedy movies out there so I hope you will share them with me so that I too will have a good laugh. My exams are in two months and this type of movie will just be the perfect stress-reliever.

Guess what my pick for this week is? Yes, it's a children's movie entitled Kung Fu Panda. I know most of you have already seen the first movie which came out in 2008. But have you seen Kung Fu Panda II yet? It was shown here last 16th of June and it is still showing at Corso Kino, a cinema that airs Hollywood films in original english version. I wish I get to see it on big screen as it will be in cinemas until the weekend. I was able to watch it though but it's a cam version, thanks to a Pinoy website that my husband found. And it was so hilarious, I kept laughing and laughing. And with all the kung fu moves, you surely get more than enough action. It's got a good moral to teach too.

So what's the part 2 about? Here's the story: "Po is now living his dream as The Dragon Warrior, protecting the Valley of Peace alongside his friends and fellow kung fu masters, The Furious Five – Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey. But Po’s new life of awesomeness is threatened by the emergence of a formidable villain, who plans to use a secret, unstoppable weapon to conquer China and destroy kung fu. It is up to Po and The Furious Five to journey across China to face this threat and vanquish it. But how can Po stop a weapon that can stop kung fu? He must look to his past and uncover the secrets of his mysterious origins; only then will he be able to unlock the strength he needs to succeed."

What's your Action Comedy Movie? Come share it with us here on TCP by entering your link in the linky below:

Thank you Couchers for all your support for TCP. Next week's theme: It's All About The Game, movies that revolve around a certain sport. And since we are almost on our 100th edition, I will be holding a small giveaway to celebrate. I will be giving away 1 DVD and 1 Blu-Ray movie of your choice. I will post the mechanics within the week so please watch out for it!

Have a good week everyone and a Happy TCP! Cheers!


Jenn said...

I do love this movie!
*excited for next week... wish I can win the DVD*

kimmyschemy said...

my kids and i love this!

MY ENTRY is right here!

Trish said...

I enjoyed watching Kung Fu Panda 2 so much and so did my kids. :)

looking forward to the giveaway! :)

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