Tuesday, July 26, 2011

TCP#99: The Blair Witch Project

It's Tuesday once again and it's time for another edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes, a movie meme where we blog about our favorite movies each week. We are now on our 99th edition and the countdown continues as we look forward to our 100th post and of course, to our winners for the Own It On Blu-Ray and DVD Giveaway. Have you joined yet? If not, there is still a chance as you still have until August 8 to join.

Image from Wikipedia

Now on to our theme for this week: Witchcraft. Don't we all love the mystery and the magic that surrounds it? My pick for this week will of course be "Blair Witch Project". Here's a brief summary from The Internet Movie Database: Heather Donahue, Michael Williams and Joshua Leonard, student filmmakers, set out to shoot a documentary about a local legend, the Blair Witch. In the forests near Burkittsville, Maryland, many children have vanished in the 1940s and people still avoid going too deep into the woods. So, the party sets out to look for facts that prove the legend, equipped only with two cameras and a little hiking gear. First, they find little piles of stone that must have been arranged artificially, later, they have to admit to be lost in the woods. Eerie sounds at night and more piles of stones in places where they have not been before cause the already desperate group to panic. And one night, days after they should have been back home, Josh disappears completely. Only what has been recorded and filmed with the cameras is found a year later and shows what happened in the woods. Written by Julian Reischl (julianreischl@mac.com)

This movie really got into me... It kept me up all night as I couldn't shake the imagery off my mind. And I was really fooled because it was not a real documentary. We were made to think that it was but it isn't. I gues this is one of those movies who really made it big and when I say big, I mean really huge profits. The film's budget was slotted to be between $500,000 and $750,000 and it grossed $248,639,099 worldwide. Well you can say that the movie was a success. And if you are not faint-hearted, I would recommend this one.

What's your Witchcraft movie? Come and share it with us by entering your TCP link URL in the linky below:

Next week is our 100th post and our theme will be Famous! Next Thursday, we will feature movies that are based on famous people. Thank you all for joining us for this week's edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes. Hope you all have a beautiful week. Take care everyone and Happy TCP!


Trish said...

never got to watch this film - matatakutin kasi ako. Lol!

Chris said...

never seen this one! :D

MJ Rodriguez said...

i remember watching this movie. very scary and haunting. and it was really a runaway hit!

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