Tuesday, August 2, 2011

TCP#100: Finding Neverland

Hello Couchers! Finally, we are on the 100th edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes! I hope that it was fun for you all as it was fun for me. Since we are on the 100th post, our theme for this week will be: Famous! If you know of a good film about a famous person, then come share it with us this Tuesday.

My pick for this week: Finding Neverland. It is an interesting film as it is about how James Barrie came to create Peter Pan and Neverland, inspired by his neighbors, the Davies brothers, who lost their father. Set in pre-WWII London in the year 1940, it showed the struggles of James Barrie to bring Peter Pan to the stage for the very first time. The musical turned out to be a success in the end. In the film, James Barrie also found himself becoming a surrogate father to the orphaned Davies brothers.

With a star-studded cast composed of Johnny Depp as James Barrie, Kate Winslet as the boys mother Sylvia Davies, Radha Mitchell as Barrie's wife Mary Ansell Barrie, Dustin Hoffman as producer Charles Frohman, and Julie Christie as the boys' grandmother Emma du Maurier. This movie is magical and suitable for the entire family. Just goes to show that in every one of us is a child.

What's your Famous! movie? Do tell and share it with us here on Tuesday Couch Potatoes. Don't forget to enter your TCP link URL in the linky below:

Wow! 100 posts for Tuesday Couch Potatoes already! Please check back again next week for another TCP edition with the theme "Set in New York City". I will also be announcing the winners of my giveaway so please watch out for it!

Thank you all for joining TCP today. My apologies for the late entry. My internet connection is going crazy since yesterday. Of all days! Anyway, have a nice day everyone!


Anonymous said...

Happy 100!!
Sadly I haven't had time to post an entry this week but hopefully I'll join in your next TCP.
Have a great day everyone.

Chris said...

yehey! i was able to join today!:D happy 100th :) looking forward to many more TCPs!

kamz said...

glad you were able to join this week marce! did you join the giveaway ba?

MJ Rodriguez said...

I have not watched this film yet although I must admit the movie looks interesting. I probably will borrow the DVD just to check it out!

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