Monday, August 15, 2011

TCP#102: Lost In Space

Hello Couchers! It's time again for another edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes where we feature one of our favorite movies each week. Last week, we went to New York when we featured movies "Set in New York." This Tuesday, we will be exploring outer space with our movie theme "Spaced Out." Are you ready for some space adventure then?

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My pick this Tuesday is Lost In Space, a 1998 science fiction film about the family Robinson who is on a mission to create a Hyper-Gate in orbit around Alpha Prime, the human race's new home. Their mission was sabotaged and when they had to go on Hyper-Drive or else be pulled by the sun, found themselves lost in space. This movie really left me all hanging as it ended right as the Robinsons and West activate the Hyperdrive. Did they really reach Alpha Prime? I was rooting for a part two but there was no news of it. Although it did make it to the Box Office and it was indeed an interesting movie, I thought that the acting was not really that noteworthy or spectacular.

What's your "Spaced Out" movie my dear Couchers? Come and share it with us here on Tuesday Couch Potatoes.

Next week's theme: "Life's A Comic" (films based on comics)

Thank you for joining us this week on TCP! Hope you all have a good week!


Jona said...

this is a nice movie for the whole family.
my tcp this week

fun and entertainment said...

i haven't seen this...kinda interesting but a cliff hanger movie thinking..

i joined today..after the long break

Gene said...

I have never seen this movie. But it looks like a must watch with the family.

Oh, and first time joining this blog meme.

MJ Rodriguez said...

i'm pretty sure i've watched this already although i can't remember much about it. Thanks for the share.

Trish said...

this is a nice film, too. :)

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