Friday, September 2, 2011

Beer and WOW Go Good Together

If you love to play RPG games, then I should not ask whether you know about WOW or World Or Warcraft right? I won't get into details here but did you know that most players are from the Asian Region? And did you also know that 1 out of 5 players is female? Now I am not so sure about the gender statistics since I know of some female players who want to play anonymous, and by that I mean prefering to not disclose or choose male instead when they play instead.

World of Warcraft Visualized
Video Game Design Colleges- World of Warcraft

Above graphic found at Video Game Design

And don't you think a bottle of ice cold beer will go perfect while playing the game? I am no brewer but I do know a thing or two about the brewing process and a little bit about the beer culture here in Germany. If you want to know how to make beer in your own home and in the simplest way, why not follow the following process steps?

The Process of Brewing Beer
Click here for a larger view
 Process of Brewing Beer

Browse this and other resources at

Hope that one day, you'll be able to make your first brew... I want to find to find out how your game went after you downed your homemade beer!

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