Saturday, September 17, 2011

Horseback Riding

Have you ever gone horseback riding? I have never ever been on one, not even at the carnivals and fairs. But my little girl has. Lucky her! At this age, I don't think I will ever master the courage to get on a horse's back. They say that a horse can smell and sense your fear so that if they know that you feel that way, the more would they not allow you to ride them.

I do love horses. I think they are very magnificent and strong creatures. Did you know it was from their strength that a car's power was measured? Really. You will know that a car is powerful if it has a large horsepower in its engine.

When I was younger, I dreamt about being an equestrian or having my own horse. But I know it was impossible then since we have other more important priorities. I also didn't know that if you ride a horse, it is not that simple. You don't only ride it, you need to have a relationship with it so that you need to learn the basics of horse care, how to groom them, which equipment are used, and the jargon used. I didn't even know what the term english horse tack or simply, "tack" is! Ignorant me!

But for the information of everyone, a tack is a term used to describe any of the various equipment and accessories worn by horses in the course of their use as domesticated animals. They come in different forms, like saddles, stirrups, bridles, halters, reins, bits, harnesses, martingales, and breastplates. If you want to sound like a real horse person, it is good to know that "equipping a horse" is often referred to as "tacking up".

Now I know a little bit more about horses. Does that take me a step closer to achieving my childish dream?

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