Friday, September 2, 2011

Pregnant, I Am Not!

But how I wish! We almost thought that we were pregnant when I was having abdomenal pains a few weeks ago and my period was delayed. But I guess all of that was just hormones and very high stress levels... And well, I am just not. Waahhhh! Too bad eh!?

I guess I need to finish graduate school first before we have another baby. I need to lose weight and slim down too since I am already almost as heavy as my husband... Another waahhhh!!! Sometimes, I feel like my knees would just buckle each time I am in a hurry to pick my little girl because they can't hold my weight any longer. I guess that's one of the reasons why my husband bought a threadmill so that we can exercise right here at the comfort of our home. But I was only able to run for like two or three times since we got it. My hands are just too full these days I don't know what to do.

So there, it is out. I am NOT pregnant... :(


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