Friday, October 21, 2011

Ready for Halloween?

Halloween is fast approaching... I wonder if I will ever muster enough courage to go to a Halloween party all dressed up in a costume. A friend of mine once joked that she would wear a skimpy catwoman costume even if she has a big belly due to a recent pregnancy... She added that her big belly would make it all the more scary! I actually praise her for her daring attitude... Maybe she can disguise herself and wear inexpensive wigs so that she will not be recognized? Hehehe! I wonder if she will ever do that since I know she is just jesting. But who knows, right?

As early as now, I see some houses with pumpkins on their doorstep. I think it will be a fun activity to make a pumpkin lantern with my little girl so I guess I will head out later to the garden center and buy a few pumpkins. Maybe I will make it three. Two large ones for me and my hubby and one small one for my little girl. Then maybe we can carve it together this weekend. I am sure she will have lots of fun scraping out the seeds and soft flesh of the pumpkin. Yup, I think that will be a good activitiy for the family to do. It has been a while since we did something together, what with me being busy in school and my husband at work. We could use that as an opportunity to bond together too!

Halloween party or not, I think Halloween is a good reason to celebrate the autumn season. And since my little girl gets scared of monsters and scary sound effects already, it will be better to keep the mood light and interesting for her.

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