Saturday, February 25, 2012

Almost Four!

In three days, my little girl will officially turn four! I can't believe she will be four in a few days! Time indeed flies so fast... I can still remember when we arrived here in Germany. She was just a year old then and she still cannot walk. I have witnessed her first tiny, wobbly steps and how proud I was to see her walk, I almost cried. It was really a joy being able to see her grow, to witness the small transformations. These, I will always treasure in my heart.

So what are our plans? She will have a birthday celebration at the Kindergarten, with her friends at the Kindergarten of course. I think I will just linger for a bit to take some photos of the big day. Since the next day will be my final exam (which is really very BAD timing!!!), we will just celebrate as a family. Perhaps we will just eat out. We'll see. Then come Saturday, 3rd of March, we will have a small gathering here at home to celebrate her birthday with our Filipino friends. My little girl is already very excited for her birthday to arrive. I can tell why... She is anticipating the gifts and the cake and how she would be the center of attention on that day. Maybe I will get her bouquets of decorative cookies instead of baking a cake for a change. That is if I don't have time anymore to bake a cake.

My mind is actually in a tangle, with lots of "things to do" all clamoring for my attention! And I just wish that I will have enough time to make my little girl's 4th birthday a memorable and happy one. My constant prayer: that God will bless her with good health and that she will grow knowing that she is loved.

"Soon, it will be your HAPPY BIRTHDAY my little one. We hope you will enjoy it. We love you!"

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