Saturday, February 18, 2012

Just Move and Groove!

During the cold months, people have the tendency to move lesser and to succumb to being couch potatoes. They prefer to sit in the couch, in front of the TV watching sappy old movie (or maybe not!), munching popcorn and sipping hot milk chocolate to keep themselves warm. Now, isn't that picture very familiar as I am among those guilty! :)

Because it is cold, the more we need to move to keep our metabolism up and so that our body will also sweat. Sweating, no matter how much many of us don't like it, is as important as breathing since it is our body's cooling mechanism. It doesn't matter which physical activity, as long as you sweat it out. Ideal for the cold weather is dancing, yoga exercises (don't forget to get yourself a yoga mat though!), zumba exercises, badminton, and other sports that is conveniently done indoors.

I haven't really done much exercise at all, but the daily walks that I need to take to bring my daughter to the kindergarten and the times when I needed to rush, which means I need to RUN!, in order to arrive on time for a meeting or appointment has helped me to sweat it out and consequently, shed a couple of kilos. :) It is not much but it is a start. Plus, the threadmill is just in the corner, waiting....

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