Sunday, December 22, 2019

Time to Party!

The Christmas season is that time of the year to celebrate parties. Almost everyday, there is an invitation to attend this gathering and that party and this reunion and that Christmas market. Whether you are the one invited or the one inviting, it is customary to observe some rules as a courtesy to the host or as host to your visitors.

If you are the invitee, appropriate items that you can give to your host may be the following:

  • bouquet of flowers in a vase or potted plant
  • a bottle of wine
  • home decoration such as candles, photo frames, holiday ornament
  • baked goodies
  • guest soap, guest hand towels

If you are the hosts, it is always a good idea to give your guests any of the following:

  • a bouquet of blooms that you decorated the table with
  • flavored oils and vinegars are a trend these days, your guests will appreciate getting one
  • card games which you used to entertain your guests while waiting for the food to be served or as an ice breaker
  • handmade gifts for those who are crafty outside the kitchen - this is a surefire way to delight your guests

Oh, and never ever forget to say THANK YOU! For the invitation if you are the invitee and for coming if you are the host!

So there you have it. Now that you know a thing or two about good manners and party etiquette, it's time to party! Enjoy the Holidays everyone!

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